32And he — to the graves he is brought. And over the heap a watch is kept.
32And he — to the graves he is brought. And over the heap a watch is kept.
29 Have ye not asked those passing by the way? And their signs do ye not know?
30 That to a day of calamity is the wicked spared. To a day of wrath they are brought.
31 Who doth declare to his face his way? And for that which he hath done, Who doth give recompence to him?
32 And he — to the graves he is brought. And over the heap a watch is kept.
33 Sweet to him have been the clods of the valley, And after him every man he draweth, And before him there is no numbering.
34 And how do ye comfort me with vanity, And in your answers hath been left trespass?
21:32Yet shall he be brought to the grave, and shall remain in the tomb.
21:32He is carried to the grave, and watch is kept over his tomb.
21:32He shall be brought to the graves, and shall watch in the heap of the dead.
21:32Yet shall he be borne to the grave, And men shall keep watch over the tomb.
21:32Yet is he carried to the graves, and watch is kept over the tomb.
21:32Yet shall he be borne to the grave, and shall keep watch over the tomb.
21:32Yet he shall be brought to the grave, and shall remain in the tomb.
21:32Yet he will be borne to the grave. Men shall keep watch over the tomb.
21:32Yet shall he be brought to the grave, and shall remain in the tomb.