34And of Naphtali, a thousand heads, and with them, with target and spear, are thirty and seven thousand.
34And of Naphtali, a thousand heads, and with them, with target and spear, are thirty and seven thousand.
31 And of the half of the tribe of Manasseh are eighteen thousand, who have been defined by name, to come in to cause David to reign.
32 And of the sons of Issachar, having understanding for the times, to know what Israel should do; their heads are two hundred, and all their brethren are at their command.
33 Of Zebulun, going forth to the host, arranging battle with all instruments of battle, are fifty thousand, and keeping rank without a double heart.
34 And of Naphtali, a thousand heads, and with them, with target and spear, are thirty and seven thousand.
35 And of the Danite, arranging battle, are twenty and eight thousand and six hundred.
36 And of Asher, going forth to the host, to arrange battle, are forty thousand.
12:34men of Naphtali-1,000 officers, together with 37,000 men carrying shields and spears;
12:34And of Naphtali a thousand captains, and with them with shield and spear thirty and seven thousand.
12:34And of Nephtali, a thousand leaders: and with them seven and thirty thousand, furnished with shield and spear.
12:34And of Naphtali a thousand captains, and with them with shield and spear thirty and seven thousand.
12:34And of Naphtali a thousand captains, and with them thirty-seven thousand with shield and spear.
12:34And of Naphtali a thousand captains, and with them with shield and spear thirty and seven thousand.
12:34And of Naphtali a thousand captains, and with them with shield and spear thirty and seven thousand.
12:34Of Naphtali one thousand captains, and with them with shield and spear thirty-seven thousand.
12:34And of Naphtali a thousand captains, and with them with shield and spear thirty and seven thousand.