23Nevertheless, I am continually with you. You have held my right hand.
23Nevertheless, I am continually with you. You have held my right hand.
20 As a dream when one wakes up, so, Lord, when you awake, you will despise their fantasies.
21 For my soul was grieved. I was embittered in my heart.
22 I was so senseless and ignorant. I was a brute beast before you.
23 Nevertheless, I am continually with you. You have held my right hand.
24 You will guide me with your counsel, and afterward receive me to glory.
25 Who do I have in heaven? There is no one on earth who I desire besides you.
73:23Nevertheless I [am] continually with thee: thou hast holden [me] by my right hand.
73:23Yet I am always with you; you hold me by my right hand.
73:23I am become as a beast before thee: and I am always with thee.
73:23Nevertheless I am continually with thee: Thou hast holden my right hand.
73:23Nevertheless I am continually with thee: thou hast holden my right hand;
73:23Nevertheless I am continually with thee: thou hast holden my right hand.
73:23Nevertheless I am continually with thee: thou hast held me by my right hand.
73:23And I am continually with Thee, Thou hast laid hold on my right hand.
73:23Nevertheless I am continually with you: you have held me by my right hand.