
Book of NumbersWEB

Chapters for Numbers

Introduction to Numbers


Numbers consists of three major blocks of material describing the events and laws associated with three centers where Israel encamped for a significant time. These centers are Sinai (chs. 110), Kadesh (chs. 1319), and the plains of Moab (chs. 2236). They are linked by two short travelogues recording what occurred as Israel journeyed from one camp to the next.

  1. Israel Prepares to Enter the Land (1:1-10:10)
  2. Marching from Sinai to Kadesh (10:11-12:16)
  3. Forty Years near Kadesh (13:1-19:22)
  4. Marching from Kadesh to the Plains of Moab (20:1-21:35)
  5. Israel in the Plains of Moab (22:1-36:13)