2 Chronicles

Book of 2 ChroniclesWEB

Chapters for 2 Chronicles

Introduction to 2 Chronicles


  1. The United Kingdom of David and Solomon (1 Chron. 10:1–2 Chron. 9:31)
    1. Solomon’s temple preparations (1:1-2:18)
    2. Solomon’s building of the temple (3:1-5:1)
    3. The dedication of the temple (5:2-7:22)
    4. Solomon’s other accomplishments (8:1-16)
    5. Solomon’s international relations and renown (8:17-9:31)
  2. The Kingdom of Judah down to the Exile (10:1-36:23)
    1. Rehoboam (10:1-12:16)
    2. Abijah (13:1-14:1)
    3. Asa (14:2-16:14)
    4. Jehoshaphat (17:1-21:1)
    5. Jehoram and Ahaziah (21:2-22:12)
    6. Joash (23:1-24:27)
    7. Amaziah (25:1-28)
    8. Uzziah (26:1-23)
    9. Jotham (27:1-9)
    10. Ahaz (28:1-27)
    11. Hezekiah (29:1-32:33)
    12. Manasseh (33:1-20)
    13. Amon (33:21-25)
    14. Josiah (34:1-35:27)
    15. The last four kings (36:1-21)
    16. Restoration (36:22-23)