Book of 1st Chronicles•NIV
Chapters for 1st Chronicles
Introduction to 1st Chronicles
- A Genealogical Presentation of the Tribes of Israel (1 Chron. 1:1–9:44)
- Adam to Esau (1:1-54)
- The sons of Israel (2:1-2)
- The tribe of Judah (2:3-4:23)
- The tribe of Simeon (4:24-43)
- The Transjordanian tribes (5:1-26)
- The tribe of Levi (6:1-81)
- Other northern tribes (7:1-40)
- The tribe of Benjamin (8:1-40)
- The resettlement of Jerusalem (9:1-34)
- The genealogy of Saul (9:35-44)
- The United Kingdom of David and Solomon (1 Chron. 10:1–2 Chron. 9:31)
- David’s rise to power over Israel (1 Chron. 10:1–12:40)
- David’s transfer of the ark of the covenant to Jerusalem (13:1-16:43)
- The dynastic promise to David (17:1-27)
- David’s wars (18:1-20:8)
- David’s census and preparation for the temple (21:1-29:30)