
Book of 雅歌简体中文合和本

Chapters for 雅歌

Introduction to 雅歌


  1. Introduction: “Ah, Sinful Nation!” (1:1-5:30)
  2. God Redefines the Future of His People: “Your Guilt Is Taken Away” (6:1-12:6)
  3. God’s Judgment and Grace for the World: “We Have a Strong City” (13:1-27:13)
  4. God’s Sovereign Word Spoken into the World: “Ah!” (28:1-35:10)
  5. Historical Transition: “In Whom Do You Now Trust?” (36:1-39:8)
  6. Encouragement for God’s Exiles: “The Glory of the Lord Shall Be Revealed” (40:1-55:13)
  7. How to Prepare for the Coming Glory: “Hold Fast My Covenant” (56:1-66:24)