
Book of 俄巴底亚书简体中文合和本

Chapters for 俄巴底亚书

Introduction to 俄巴底亚书


The story of Jonah includes seven episodes, with the first three paralleled by the second three. The final episode stands alone as the climax of the story:

  1. Jonah’s commissioning and flight (1:1-3)
  2. Jonah and the pagan sailors (1:4-16)
  3. Jonah’s grateful prayer (1:17-2:10)
  4. Jonah’s recommissioning and compliance (3:1–3a)
  5. Jonah and the pagan Ninevites (3:3b–10)
  6. Jonah’s angry prayer (4:1-4)
  7. Jonah’s lesson about compassion (4:5-11)