
Book of 以赛亚书简体中文合和本

Chapters for 以赛亚书

Introduction to 以赛亚书


  1. Introduction (1:1-19)
  2. Israel’s Covenantal Adultery (2:1-6:30)
  3. False Religion and an Idolatrous People (7:1-10:25)
  4. Jeremiah’s Struggles with God and Judah (11:1-20:18)
  5. Jeremiah’s Confrontations (21:1-29:32)
  6. Restoration for Judah and Israel (30:1-33:26)
  7. God Judges Judah (34:1-45:5)
  8. God’s Judgment on the Nations (46:1-51:64)
  9. Conclusion: The Fall of Jerusalem (52:1-34)